Monday 9 July 2012

Hunt for the missing JISC funded e-portfolio initiative.

Ever heard of LIPID; PortisHEead; ePISTLE; FILE-PASS; ELP; Flouish; Reflect 2.0; PDP4XL2; PC3; SRC; Co-genT; EPPSME; SAMSON; TELSTAR; FASTTECH; MABLE; and PIOP Phase 2 and 3?

Perhaps more importantly do you know where any of them that are currently been used and have had a significant impact on the use of e-portfolios to support the delivery of HE and FE programmes? By significant impact I mean being used across an institution or even a whole faculty or department?

The common feature of all these projects is that according to JISC, all these projects use Pebble pad as their e-portfolio and the subject of investigation or development. In some cases the investigation is wide ranging such as examining the use of e-portfolios by SMEs. In other cases the focus is very narrow e.g. LIPID is about exploring how to take data from the student management system used by Wolverhampton University and make it available via a web service to the Pebble Pad e-portfolio system.

Just for information Pebble Pad was developed by Wolverhampton University but became owned and marketed by a commercial company called Pebble Learning.

I am sure the majority of the money that JISC awarded all these projects went directly to the HE and FE institutions involved and not to a commercial company and I am sure all the money was used and accounted for properly, however it seems right for JISC consider, as is the case with all educational institutions whether they pass the value for money test?

I welcome the fact that all this money has been invested in e-portfolios but to return to the theme of the last blog ‘So What?’ The real question for JISC, amongst others to answer, is have the projects they have been funding been seeking to answer the right questions?

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