Monday 28 June 2010

Technology bah humbug

The morning after the day before despite fully accepting the drubbing of England by Germany I remain amazed by the refusual of FIFA to allow goal line technology to be introduced. The main argument for it apart from fairness, is that this technology has been successfully introduced in other sports. It is proving quite a feature at Wimbledon although at the cost of removing McInroesque rants, it works well in Rugby. The only sport where it is a small problem is in cricket but that is often due to the ineptness of the fourth umpire rather than the technology, in taking far too much time in reaching the correct decision that everyone realised much earlier.

The reason the FIFA have said that for not introducing it is that they cannot guarantee to make it available at all levels of football and all situations. This reminds me of the perverse equal opportunities argument that I have often heard in relation to technology although less so now, which is that if there is one person who does not have access to technology then no one should be able to access it, on the basis that one person is disadvantaged.

Technology can and does improve lots of different situations not least the simple ability to determine whether a ball crosses a line. The challenge lies not in preventing it's use but in continuing to make every effort to making it widely available.

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