Sunday 7 November 2010

Australia; final reflections

In the airport about to start the 'short' journey home. So what are the final impressions. Well none of them are going to be commercial or provide an insight into educational developments and opportunities as there are too many other companies happy to feed off that information.

As a country it leaves a very favourable impression. A public transport system that is integrated and works e.g. Manley to Sydney Airport in less than a hour through a combination of ferries and trains at rush hour and always an available seat; lots of people engaged in unpaid work to support the delivery of various services e.g. Manley beach full of volunteer lifeguards who have trained long and hard to be one; a general courteous 'air' in each of the four cities I have visited. The only major drawback is the cost of living there although as I discovered they also pay alot higher day rates.

A thoroughly worthwhile trip even with the 20+ hours flying time each way.

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